I'm going to try to back-log a bit. These posts will be picture heavy, but I know most of you don't read the words on my posts, so I'm guessing the plethora of pictures and lack of words shouldn't be too much of a problem.
Labor Day weekend, Lydia and I drove to Sauk Prairie to meet Robin along with the Luthers, who were in Wisconsin for the 20th Anniversary of Pearl Jam. While Aaron and Jessica jammed at the concert in Alpine Valley, Robin and I spent some awesome time with Aidan and Lydia, who picked up right where they left off.
The picked apples from the tree in the backyard,
sipped morning coffee,
danced in the kitchen,
looked adorable,
played on the swing,
snacked at the Farmer's Market,
experienced sensory overload at Ella's Deli
and rode on the carousel,
and again, were adorable.