I haven't written much this week because Robin has been out of town. For a week. That's right, kids. He is working on a project in Galveston, and they held a charrette there, a charrette being an intense workshop that generates designs quickly. He left Friday evening and will be returning tonight. I didn't say anything about, because I wasn't so keen on advertising that Lydia and I were alone in the house on the internet, ya know?
I have to say, this week went better than I thought it would, much due to the help and company of several friends who were willing to come entertain me, meet me for lunch, and take care of Lydia while I had some things to take care of at work. Special props go out to Elizabeth, who came over and took care of Lydia while also taking care of her baby, Oliver. She said it wasn't hard; I'm not sure I believe her.
This whole week, I kept wondering how single parents manage. With Robin coming home this evening, I have pretty much used up all of my stamina. It was really hard figuring out how to get sleep, rest, and down time, while not letting the house fall to total pieces, take care of Stanley, and keep Lydia fed, clean, and on her sleep schedule. I can't imagine doing all of this while working, too. Single parents must be superpeople.
Other exciting things that happened this week: Lydia and I met our goal of reading 25 books before the end of July, so today we will head over to the library to drop off her reading log and pick up the board book she gets as a reward! I also began the written exercises to be certified to teach Building the Base, a professional development series for WestEd's Quality Teaching for English Learners, the professional development I have been participating in through Lanier for the past two years. This involves 3 written prompts, and I had one hour to complete each prompt. I typed 6 pages for the first and 4 1/2 for the second. I had to leave at that point because I needed to get home to Lydia (more for me than for Lydia; I underestimated the time it would take and didn't come equipped to pump--ahhhh, life as a breastfeeding mother.) I haven't had to think in that way that quickly since college, and I was pleased that I was able to get back on my game. I am hoping to complete the third prompt tomorrow when Robin is here to take care of Lydia. Finally, Lydia participated in the Lanier High School English Teacher's Book Club on Tuesday. She contributed to the conversation with several shrieks; she was upset we hadn't read Goodnight Moon instead of The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao.
Now, I am counting the hours until Robin returns. I can't wait to have him back!! I could be romantic and pretend that it's because I missed him so much, but I haven't had the time or energy to miss him for those reasons. Really, I am excited to have someone else to pass the baby to.
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5 years ago
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