I did not do a good job of posting this week, especially since I had two days with after-school commitments that kept me away from home even more than my new out-of-home work schedule does. As I'm sure most people understand, I wanted to spend every minute I could with Lydia. I spent much of my time away looking forward to the three-day weekend, and now here it is, and Lydia and I are sick.
Lydia has been sniffling and coughing all week. Originally, we blamed the runny nose on my decision to test the waters when it came to yellow curry from Titaya's (the culprit in the Curry Catastrophe of 2009), but when it lagged for a few more days, we realized Lydia had her first cold. Whether she passed it on to me or I caught it from one of my students, I seem to have been hit with the bug even harder than she has been. She's a little fussy but still wants to play. I just want to sleep under a blanket, which is not so much of an option with an infant around the house--plus, even though I'm under the weather, I don't want to miss this precious weekend time with Lydia.
Some brief things that I will try to supplement later with photos or video...
...is sitting up quite well and likes to be surrounded with her toys. Her newest fascination is her stacking cups.
...is responding to her name... some of the time.
...rides in her style in her new big-girl carseat, a Britax Roundabout 50.
...loves knocking over the towers her mommy and daddy build with her blocks!
Study Tech and Humanities with me
5 years ago
I'm so sorry you two are sick! What a crappy way to spend the long weekend. Let me know if you need anything and feel better soon!