Saturday, September 11, 2010

A Perfect Saturday

We were long overdue for a perfect Saturday together and today, we got one. We woke early, had breakfast, and headed to the Farmers' Market. We strolled the stands, picked up some things for this week, and missed this Farmers' Market that is so much more impressive.

We took a walk in a park near Ladybird Johnson Lake, and Lydia played in a fountain. We came unprepared, so we stripped her down to her diaper, and she had a blast.

We took her to her first music class at the Austin Lyric Opera. For forty-five minutes, Robin, Lydia, and I joined ten other children ranging from seven months to four years in a circle and sang, played with egg-shakers, maracas, drums, scarves, and tambourines. At the end, she played the piano. We had a great time and can't wait to go back next week. Even Robin, who was hoping to avoid the music classes, enjoyed himself.

We had lunch at Cafe Crepe downtown. It was delicious, Lydia was wonderfully behaved, and it was the perfect cap to a beautiful morning.

Lydia crashed on the way home and took a long(er than usual) nap. The best part? I napped, too. I napped for an hour and a half, and it was wonderful.

We then ran some errands, and Elizabeth, Brian, and Oliver came over for company and take-out. Oliver and Lydia really played together, and they chatted all through dinner.

They stayed until the little ones went into the tell-tale fast-forward mode that means bedtime, and we read to Lydia, put her to bed, and kicked back.

Perfect, perfect day.


  1. Oliver looks like a good kid, but I couldn't help but notice the jersey. I think he's a bad influence.

  2. Ahhhh...sheer bliss!

    Gramma Mree

  3. Thank you for your postings, Laurie. We really miss seeing the changes in Lydia and your blog is the next best thing.


  4. I will have you know, Markus, that Oliver made up for it the next morning by meeting Laurie for breakfast wearing his Minnesota shirt. He's a fair weather fan. :)

    -Oliver's Mom
