Monday, November 7, 2011

Knitting Club

My sophomore year of college, I became close friends with two girls down the hallway, Anna and Elise. We became roommates for the next two years and to this day--three weddings, two babies, and several cross-country and -continent moves later--I still refer to them as my roommates. I love these girls dearly, and I was so excited that when I moved back to Minneapolis, I would be in the same city with one of them. Elise, her husband, Clark, and their adorable little girl live in south Minneapolis, so I knew I'd start seeing her on a much more regular basis and on much more normal circumstances. I was super excited. Then, in mid-August, I received a phone call from Anna. She said she had "news," and I was elated to learn that she and her husband Steve were ALSO moving back to the Twin Cities, and by "elated," I mean that my screams elicited a visit from a neighbor to check to see if everyone was alright. For the first time since I moved to Austin in 2004, the three of us are in the Metro.

Eager to get some girl time, we set up a date at a local restaurant. Without much thought, I brought along my iPad to show them a knitting project I was thinking of taking on. We knit together for one winter in college, and I haven't knit anything since; when I picked out a scarf I liked on Pinterest (my latest obsession) and learned that it cost $95.00, I decided I would try making it instead. They both liked the picture, and we started talking about picking up our needles together. Soon after I showed them the picture, Knitting Club was born. Tonight was our third meeting and we have three lovely scarves going.

How lucky am I to have two awesome girlfriends who know me in all of my faulted glory--living together lets people in on a whole different level--that I get to see every two weeks? I love Knitting Club.

1 comment:

  1. where are you meeting to knit and can I come too:) Sounds like a lot of fun!
