Funny how certain things will get to a person. Today, Robin sold his Cavalier to a somewhat flaky, recent college grad who contacted him through his craigslist ad. Maybe it is just pregnancy hormones, but this has caused me to be reflective. I remember how excited Robin was to have a brand new car after he received the tragic news that his '87 Volkswagen Golf (that was specifically made in EAST Germany) was rusting out. The Cavalier treated us well: it was the car that Robin drove to Texas to surprise me when I was here all by myself, and the car he moved himself down in a month and a half later. It brought both of us, as well as all of our wedding presents, back to Austin after our wedding in August 2005, and the car we shared until I finally bought my own vehicle in August 2006.
Farewell to the Cavalier! You served us well!
Study Tech and Humanities with me
5 years ago
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