Saturday, September 26, 2009


I promised my grandmothers, who are both avid readers of our blog, that I would do a post about leaving comments. When you promise your grandparents you are going to do something, you do it. Before I do that, I must give a shout-out to my grandparents who are all over 80 and ALL check the blog regularly. Not too many people can say they have grandparents hip enough to email, let alone check blogs. I am also friends with both of my grandmothers on facebook!

So commenting. At the bottom of each post, there is text that reads 1 Comment, or 0 Comments, or 2 or 3 or 4. Click on that and enter what you want to say in the box that is labeled "Post a Comment". Then click on the drop-down menu below that says "Comment As". If you're not familiar with commenting, the easiest will be to choose Name/URL. Enter your name in the box and if you have a website, enter the address into the URL box. If you don't, leave it blank. Then click "Post Comment."

Please don't hesitate to comment! I love to know who is reading! I was always really hesitant to comment on blogs until I had my own. I actually read my friend Jessica's blog for at least two months before I told her, because I didn't want her to think I was a creepy snooper. I would enjoy hearing from you!


  1. Good directions, Laurie,hope it works for us. I love your blog and really respect you for taking the time to keep it current. I am amazed that you can get to yoga twice a week--GG

  2. I'm a creepy snooper, too. :)

  3. Laurie... just so you know my computer is often finicky about allowing me to comment on your blog. If others have this same trouble, I recommend pressing "Preview" first and THEN post. It usually works then!

  4. I snoop at least once a week. PS. I think your little family is adorable.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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