Thursday, March 5, 2009

Still here...

I have been taken out by an ear infection. That's right. An ear infection. As I mentioned before, I was sick on Sunday and decided to go to school on Monday to be with my students the day before their big test. Monday evening, I started feeling sick again, and by the wee hours of Tuesday morning, I knew that work would not be happening. I stayed home Tuesday and yesterday and went back to school today. Really, I haven't been taken out like that for a long time, and the fact that it came when I am 39 weeks pregnant did not present the best scenario. Today and tomorrow should be pretty mellow; today I administered a test I had to give before I go on maternity leave, and tomorrow I will be getting the kids set for their research project that they will be doing with their sub.

On that note, I have decided to start my maternity leave on Wednesday, regardless of baby arrival. My parents are coming on Saturday, and I want to spend the week with them, even if Baby G. will not be gracing us with her presence just yet.

Finally, I have an acupuncture appointment tomorrow. The woman I am seeing has a very good track record, so I am anxious to see whether or not it works. I have never had acupuncture before, but am willing to give it a try to get this baby out! I will be honest and say that the thought of going through labor as soon as tomorrow has really started to scare me, but between Robin, our doula, and our doctor, I feel like I have a good support system in place. I've realized that there will always be more to do, but at this point I feel like we're about as ready as we will ever be!

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